Tuesday, September 23, 2008

round 5! feedback plz!

1.do you have enough time to understand all the words?
2do you feel like you understand the relationship between the images and the statistics?
3.is the sound appropriate?


Anonymous said...

fucking greeeaaat.
i want to vote right now!
i think the words are on there long enough.
not sure about the correlation between the images and words...i mean, i get the flag symbols and stuff?
and i feel like the music changed drastically in the middle of it, to that sharp pointy sounding part. it almosts sounds scary - but then again, not voting IS scary, so you got your point across, right?
love it. love you.

Anonymous said...

ok i watched it again. graying of the images correlates with the percentages. wooo. right?
hey remember that one time before the graphics party when we drove out to the dog park and walked around? that was great.

LindsAyT said...

ahh! leah! it looks awesome. professional and smoooooth and i think the timing is dead on.

i like the music and the scuffling voices, maybe fade them into one another? have the music, or at least that strong beat going the whole time and it slowly gets louder and becomes the whole beat? hrm, hope that makes sense

but it looks aweeeeeesome.
and ur so almost done.