Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Reading IV, The Order of Order

Reading four gave me hope that somewhere out there, people are good at workplace communication. This reading was all about how to go about gathering data about your client, their target audience, their goals, desires, self-image, money, etc. as well as how to "grease the wheels" by forming relationships with decision makers and other key people in the company. This is exciting to me because every workplace I've ever experienced has been plagued with embarrassingly bad communication. At my previous job at the Lawrence Public Library, I saw a lot of little project eat up too much time and cause too much stress due to lack of a clear plan or shared priorities.

The Order of Order - This was just a little musing on how we can categorize the world in an infinite variety of ways, and how these ways can impact the user experience of the content

The link to the Ladislav Sutnar reading wasn't working for me - any other ideas on how to get to it?

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