Tuesday, September 23, 2008

hmm progress

so i made a bit of progress this weekend on the ol' motion graphic. i need to render a smaller copy to post here, so i can get feedback. on thursday my round four render was pretty heavily under construction (some photoshop layers had been edited and as a result disappeared) so i don't think it was that helpful to my crit group. what we did determine was that my text needs to stay on longer, and the correlation between the numbers and the colored vs. gray stars and stripes needs to be more clear. also i got the suggestion to add a slide after the 72% slide with some sort of "you should vote" message.

so basically this weekend, i : added transitions to several of the beginning slides, added repetition and transitions to the stats slides, worked a whole lot on timing, added an additional message before the end "designfordemocracy.org" slide, and added sounds effects and music.

video coming soon.

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