Tuesday, September 30, 2008


The "Designing Interfaces" reading kept reminding me of pet peeves I have with websites and software, and explained why some of them are so bothersome. Do you have any pet peeves related to the functionality of websites?

Also, I completely agree with the reading that certain features have come to be "expected" and should be placed in the "expected" locations. (global navigation, previous/next buttons, etc.) No doubt this makes navigating a website a hell of a lot easier for people, but i wonder how designers that do a lot of websites find ways to keep composition interesting when everything goes in the "expected" loction.

1 comment:

caroline said...

Thats a great question (with regards to taking a survey to see what will work best for your website). Personally, I cannot stand it when a company/website does not have their basic contact information on every page, either at the top or the bottom!! (ku is an example of a website that this is absoutly necessary to have contact info and its not always in the same place and some pages do not even have it...the viewer gets frustrated and associates a bad vibe with the page!