Friday, November 21, 2008

more on Obama and design

I just read this article in the New York times where Steven Heller interviews Sol Sender, designer of the Barack Obama "O" logo.
pretty interesting.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

project 3 : pigpen code

The Pigpen Code

A code is a way to send a message while keeping it a secret from someone who isn't supposed to know about it. Codes can be easy or complicated - the trick to to make sure the person on the receiving end of your secret message has the key to decode it without making it too easy for anyone else to crack. One simple code you can use is the pigpen code. In the pigpen code, each letter is represented by part of the 'pigpen' that surrounds it. If it's the second letter in the box, then it has a dot in the middle like so:

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

vote helvetica

Today I cannot focus on homework! I'm checking the media outlets and blogs constantly...and stumbled on this sweet little interactive graphic on the New York Times site. You type in the emotion you feel, and you can see how many others feel the same way (scale) who they support (color; you can also see a general black and white version) and time.