Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Design and Barack Obama

I've noticed several of you guys have posted entries about the Obama campaign's use of design. This blog on gets into the design in the prime time program that his campaign aired tonight. I don't know if the author has any kind of background in design, but it's interesting to read feedback on this sort of thing:

and very handy for anyone who thinks of a future in politics, design-wise or otherwise.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

scuba on acid

every i try to upload the gosh-darn webpages it inverts my colors. phooey.

Friday, October 17, 2008


Palin as President

updated daily until the election!

Friday, October 10, 2008

oh animation

I'm going to start posting a weekly render of my animation project, maybe that will help me get motivated. My basic concept is clouds - clouds up in the sky, you see them from a distance and then zoom in so far that you can see they're made of ice crystals and the creation of rain. Still working on details of the storyboard (!). As you will see, this is just a rough little snippet. I know, it's dorky. Right now I'm feeling the pull between the organic-ish movement and the shapey- campy- cutesy- collage medium. Input plz.

Monday, October 6, 2008

project II: good design vs. scuba

The challenge: make this thing here look good and make sense. In looking up what other scuba websites, I found that design really isn't a priority for many of them. Look no further than's pretty par for the course. Bubbles, blue, red/white flag, photos of people diving, photos of sharks/fish/turtles/coral reefs/palm trees, and BAD TYPE are all top scuba web design fetishes as far as I can tell.
Here's more scuba-related links:
scuba diving
scuba toys
scuba duba
scuba diving index
good dive
the scuba guide
scuba board
Here's one related site that's not so so bad. It's got good general-specific type organization.

and now for some pretty websites:

Virgin Mobile Music Festival

We really like the dynamic graphics on the homepage, plus it's nice that you don't have to click on anything to see the line up, which is probably the number one thing people want to know.This American Life
so simple - doesn't hide anything from you or distract you. i love it.
Delicious Design League
global nav really pops here, design is simple and bold.
Fire Belly Design
Their homepage is basically a very clean, simple newsletter.
Slow Food USA
Homepage has blog highlights, news, events, and lots of beautiful pictures that don't distract. You don't have to search for the important news items.
The Moth
Nice type and color palette, global nav already shows some of the breakdown, which is nice if you want to get straight to a particular show.
pictures rather than global nav: works good for showing images. homepage becomes a grayed-out background when you click on something.pagliuco
alphabetic links and a simplified global nav
Lawrence Memorial Hospital
quick start guide and global navMayo Clinic
Two navigation bars, one more specialized than the other. Good for a very complex site.